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Books by CDrying

The Transcendental Focal Point:
Images & Thoughts

This book is a resplendent assemblage of original photos and thoughts inspired by seemingly transcendental experiences the author had during photography walks. Some content consists of quotes by the nineteenth-century philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson and others. This book makes a wonderful gift for pondering souls who love nature, photography, and self-reflection.

Available on Amazon:

Contingent Upon Magenta

An unprovoked attack on Earth prompts the U.S. military to send a small contingent to assassinate the matriarch of a world where mothers and daughters are exalted. A dissenting citizen from the world provides the U.S. military with guidance by insisting a female be an operative in the contingent. Captain Joan Jones is the operative. She’s a mother of a young daughter and is conflicted and torn by her call to duty. The contingent faces a barrage of unexpected events while Captain Jones becomes captivated by the Magentan matriarch. Will Captain Jones’ maternal instincts fail or save the contingent?

Available on Amazon:

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